
One of the first bits of paid work I did after leaving hospital was write about my stay there for the Financial Times, where I used to work.

You can read the full story on the FT site, along with comments from online readers and several letters published in the paper during the days afterwards. If you subscribe, just Google the exact words pictured above. If you don’t subscribe, you can open and download a photocopy of the story here:

“I felt numb” – Financial Times

Some months later, feeling a little braver, I published something under my own name in The Times.

You can open and download a scanned copy of it, here:

“Walk and talk” – The Times, T2

I’ve since been asked by The Times to write more about mental health, and not just my own:

More recently still, I wrote and illustrated a feature in The Idler magazine.

It was precisely about how drawing the world around me, and the ideas in my head, helped in my recovery.

Here’s the opening spread:

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